
Sandy Lodge Golf Club

A Golfers Club

Sun 8
Mon 9
Tue 10

Course Status

Sandy Lodge: Course currently closed for threat of lightning. Today's competition has been abandoned.

Hole 8 - Wee One

Member’s Tip:

Do not underestimate the shortest hole on the course. It is surrounded by bunkers but its main defences are the slope and speed of the green. The key is to leave your tee shot below the hole. Avoid too much backspin, otherwise you can hit what appears to be a good shot only to see it spinning down the slope and off the green, especially when hitting into the prevailing westerly wind. Choice of club is important. You may find that you can land the ball more softly by taking a club or two more than usual, teeing the ball up higher and swinging easy.

Robert Wendt - Handicap 11
Yds 102 Par 3
Yds 101 Par 3
Yds 93 Par 3
Yds 94 Par 3

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