
Sandy Lodge Golf Club

A Golfers Club

Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13

Course Status

Sandy Lodge: The course is Open. Trolleys are allowed. Buggies are only allowed for those with medical exemptions (see website for medical exemption policy details).

How to Join

To find out more about joining Sandy Lodge we welcome you to complete the form on this page to receive a copy of our membership brochure. The brochure contains full details of the membership criteria (for both members and their sponsors), background information about the club, annual fees and joining costs and an application form.

There are limited memberships available for the 2024-25 membership year.

If you would like to be considered for future membership, please complete the application form to join our waiting list.

Once we receive your completed application, you will be invited to sample the warm and friendly welcome at Sandy Lodge followed by a meeting with the General Manager and Club Captain.  You may also be invited for a round of golf to assess your golfing ability.

Contact Details:
Office | Tel: 01923 825429 | Email:

We look forward to hearing from you.


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